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世界播報:字幕,600集全,少兒啟蒙英語 英文動畫故事Level 3-10,Southstreet school NO.30



Southstreet school episode?30:Where"s Jam?


Poor Jam. That tree smashed his house.

It happened during the wind storm.

I hope everything is ok.?

Me too.

Did you see Jam"s house?

Yes, it got crashed.

I heared his whole house is ruined.

Miss Gray, is Jam coming to school today?

Plz put away your things and comeing to the rug, then we will talk about Jam.

Did you know if Jam was OK?

We went to his house yesterday, but nobody was there.?

Jam and his family are fine.


They are lucky, no one was hurt. But it will take time to fix their house.

Where"s Jam now?

He"s staying with his grandmother.

When will he be?back?

She lives far away, so he probably wouldn"t?be back until next week.

The rain ruined a lot of his family things.

His books? His video games? His clothes?

Everything, later we can make some cards for Jam.

That way he will know we were thinking about him.

OK, good idea.

Mum, I feel sad aoubt Jam. His house wouldn"t be fixed for a long time.

Yes, and they lost a lot of things.

His family will need help from their friends.

I"m Jam"s friend, maybe I can help.

標簽: everything 水平有限


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