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behindview 0Sets the players view to first-person.
behindview 1Sets the players view to third-person.
freecamera 1/0Locks player rotation (still allowing for 'WASD' movement) and allows camera rotation around player.
fovxChange your current field of view toxdegrees
suicideCauses the player character to die.
say <message string>Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
throwweaponThis command throws your current weapon to the ground.
shotThis command saves a screenshot into the Unreal Engine game's System directory.
set input <key> <command>Binds an action to a particular key.


demoplaydemonamePlays the specified demodemoname
demorecdemonamestopdemo Stops recording of a demo


show actorsToggles display of all actors
show bspToggles display of BSP
show collisionToggles display of simple collision
show coronasToggles display of Coronas
show fluidToggles display of fluid
show fogToggles display of DistanceFog
show skyToggles display of sky
show staticmeshesToggles display of StaticMeshes
show pathsToggles display of Bot paths
show volumesToggles display of Bot volumes


memstatDisplays Windows memory usage
stat allDisplays all statistics
stat animDisplays animation statistics
stat audioDisplays audio statistics
stat fpsDisplays current and average frames per second
stat gameDisplays game statistics
stat hardwareDisplays hardware statistics
stat lightDisplays dynamic light statistics (this will bug off when wave is start)
stat netDisplays network statistics
stat renderDisplays rendering statistics
stat noneTurns off all statistics


disconnectDisconnects from current server
exitorquitQuits the game
openaddressConnects to the server ataddress
openmapnameOpens specified map (tip: open Kf-bIOtIcSlAb, Mix it up)
preferencesOpens the preferences window in Windows
reconnectReconnects to current server
reportCopies game info to the clipboard
showlogOpens the game log in Windows
setname(name)change player name
togglefullscreenswitch between windowed and full screen view
setres WxHSame as in-game Resolution option


rend blendRenders normally with mesh overlay
rend boneRenders bones
rmode 1Wireframe only
rmode 2Zone view
rmode 3Use textures
rmode 4Turns all BSP white. Normal lighting for statics.
rmode 5Normal rendering
rmode 6No shadows
rmode 7Lighting mode
rmode 8Visualizing overdraw mode


標(biāo)簽: 《殺戮空間2》控制臺指令及作弊碼列表解析攻略 《殺戮空


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